Projects that have been archived are stored in a separate list of archived projects. You may view your archived projects on the My Projects tab of the Projects page.

Note: If there are more than 10 archived projects to list, there are page numbers and arrows at the bottom of the page to navigate through the list.

To view a list of archived projects for which one of your profiles (individual or company) is the project owner:

  1. Choose Projects from the left navigation menu.
  2. Choose the My Projects tab. A list of all projects for which one of your profiles is the project owner is displayed.
  3. Click Archived Projects in the lower right corner of the page. The list of projects in My Projects is updated to display your archived projects.

For each archived project listed on My Projects, the following information is provided:

  • Project Name. The name of the project. An icon is displayed to the left of the Project Name to indicate the status of the invoice.
  • Project Owner. The profile name (individual or company name) of the project owner.
  • Billed. The amount that was billed towards the project. View Finances to see all invoices and payments.
  • Paid. The amount that was paid for the project.
  • Updated At. The date and time of the most recent project update.

Click on an archived project name to view details about that project and the Savio project chat logs.