When searching for experts to invite to your project, you can view their full profile by clicking anywhere on the summary profile. The expert's full profile page appears.

An expert's profile page has two sections. On the top of the profile is basic information about the expert--their name and photo or company logo, links to any websites they provided, and their default hourly rate. Underneath is a tabbed section that allows you to view different sections of their profile. Click on the tab to view the expert's detailed information for that section of their profile.

  • Reviews. View any reviews that have been left for this expert from other users. Reviews may only be left from a project owner that has hired that expert for a project.
  • Pitch. This is the expert's opportunity to tell you more about their background, experience, and services offered.
  • Video Pitch. Some experts may include a video pitch as part of their profile.
  • Skills & Rates. The expert's self-assessed list of skills. These skill are categorized under general headings. If the expert has listed different rates for different skills, those will be listed here. Otherwise, it just displays their default hourly rate.
  • Technologies. This is a list of software applications and tools that the expert has used for other projects. 
  • Expertise. This allows the expert to list any areas of specialized knowledge or experience they may possess with specific demographics, industries, or geographic regions.
  • Certifications. Lists any certifications the expert has earned. Certifications may only be added by Savio, with verification from the partner provider, to indicate that an expert has demonstrated a minimum level of expertise in the certified tool or process.