Find Talent allows you to search for experts that have desired research skills and expertise. You can also manually search for experts on the Experts tab of the Project / Edit page when creating or editing a project (see Inviting Experts to Your Project).

When searching for experts, the list of experts is displayed on the left. A summary profile is shown for each expert, which includes basic information such as the expert's name, location, top skills, and default hourly rate. You can click anywhere on an expert's summary profile to open their detailed profile, where you can view additional information about the expert. Click Bookmark to save the expert for quick-access later.

The search filters are shown on the right. You may also choose to only include experts that have previously been bookmarked, or you can enter an expert's name in the Search text box to search for an expert by name.

You can filter the list of experts by one or more of the following criteria:

  • Show Only Bookmarked. When this checkbox is selected, the list of experts displayed only shows experts that you have previously bookmarked.
  • Location. Find experts located in or near a specific city or country.
  • Hourly Rate. Find experts with a default hourly rate within a certain range. You can specify the range by dragging the minimum hourly rate and maximum hourly rate to the desired rates.
  • Specialties. Find experts that have specific skills listed on their profile. Specialties are research skills or methodologies. The expert must have all of the selected skills listed on their profile to meet this criterion. 
  • Technologies. Find experts that have specific technologies listed on their profile. Technologies are specific software applications or platforms. The expert must have all of the selected technologies listed on their profile to meet this criterion.
  • Expertise. Find experts by the areas of expertise listed on their profile. Areas of expertise include working with specific demographic groups, in specific industries, or in specific regions. The expert must have all of the selected areas of expertise listed on their profile to meet this criterion.
  • Certifications. Find experts by the certifications listed on their profile. Certifications are added by Savio through verification with the partner provider. The expert must have all of the selected certifications on their profile to meet this criterion.
  • Sorted By. This option specifies in which order experts should be listed. You may sort the list of experts by Rating (high-low), Name (A-Z), or Last Update (most recent-least recent).

The list of experts is filtered to display only experts that meet all of the specified search criteria. By default, all search filters are set to Any. At any time, you may click Reset Filters to set all of the search filters to Any.

Note: When inviting experts for a project, the search filters are automatically set to include the specialties, technologies, expertise, and certifications specified for the project. These filters may be cleared or modified, as desired.

Click on the name of an expert to view the expert's full profile.