The Milestones tab of the Project / Edit page allows you to enter milestones for your project. Milestones are important steps in the project, creating a checklist for the overall project. Each milestone can be assigned a start date and an end date.

The Milestones tab also displays all of the milestones that are currently assigned for the project.

Note: If you do not wish to create and track milestones for this project, you may skip this tab. Choose Save & Continue to navigate to the next tab, or select the next applicable tab.

To add a milestone to the project:

  1. In Milestone Name, enter a name for the milestone.
  2. In Milestone Description, enter a description for the milestone.
  3. In Starts At, use the calendar date picker to select the date on which the milestone is expected to begin.
  4. In Ends At, use the calendar date picker to select the date on which the milestone is expected to be completed.
  5. Select Add to add the milestone to the project.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 as necessary to add all required milestones to the project.
  7. When all milestones are added to the project, choose Save & Continue to save the milestones and navigate to the next tab. The Experts tab of the Project / Edit page is displayed.

Note: Any changes made in a tab are not saved until you click Save & Continue. Be sure to click Save & Continue on each tab to save any changes made on that tab.