One way to stand out to Buyers and Project Owners by adding a video pitch to your vendor profile. You can link to a YouTube video that describes your skills, experience, and services. Other formats will come online soon.

  • Profiles with a video pitch get more views and more invitations to submit proposals for projects

Four steps to adding a video pitch to your vendor profile:

1. Select My Profile from the left navigation menu

2. Select the desired profile:

  • Select your name for your individual profile; or,
  • Select the name of the desired company

3. Select Video Pitch from the list of profile screens under the desired profile name.

4. Enter the YouTube URL

In the provided text box, enter the URL for your YouTube video. A preview of the video is displayed. To get the URL for your video:

  • In another browser window or tab, open your video in YouTube.
  • Right-click on the video and select Copy video URL from the context menu to copy the URL to your clipboard.
  • Paste the copied URL into the field on your profile
  • Click Save to update the link to your video pitch

Warning: Click Save to update changes to made on each page. Leaving the page or navigating the menu without first clicking Save may discard any changes made.