Savio does not distinguish between Individual vendor and Company vendor profiles. All verified vendor profiles appear in buyers' search results in the same format, are shortlisted and invited to submit proposals to projects in the same way and joining buyers' private networks is also no different. However, vendor Company profiles have two key features that some Individual vendors may find advantageous:  

  • A company's trading name and brand identity separate to you as the individual vendor who creates the company vendor profile
  • The option to add multiple team members to the company vendor profile with customisable access permissions

For example:

  • "Claire" creates an Individual profile as "Claire Trading Ltd"
  • "Claire" then creates "Claire's Insight Agency" as a company profile, with its own brand identity and herself as its owner and admin controller
  • "Claire" later invites 2 people who regularly work with her to join "Claire's Insight Agency" profile as team members 

Learn more about inviting team members to a vendor company profile.

An individual user can manage multiple company profile pages. 

To add a new vendor company profile to your Individual vendor profile: 

  1. Select My Profile from the left navigation menu
  2. Select Add Company from the list of available actions
  3. In the Name field, enter the name of your company
  4. Click Save to add the company page to your profile. Your individual profile will be linked to and visible on the company page